My goodness this little girl is just the prettiest I’ve ever had in my tacoma puyallup newborn studio! Her skin was flawless and her chubbiness was THE best! And just look at all that hair! Swoon!
This family was so wonderful! It made me so happy that they hired me to be their tacoma puyallup newborn photographer! Their oldest daughter was so cooperative during their newborn session and she was just the cutest during the newborn family photos, as you can see at the bottom of the post 🙂
Christina Mae Photography is a Tacoma newborn photographer located in Western Washington. Tina is a newborn, baby, maternity, family and child photographer serving Tacoma, Puyallup, Seattle and the surrounding communities.
To book your own session with Christina Mae Photography please use the contact tab at the top of the page or contact me directly,